DE0125 : Matrix Stimulation
COURSE TITLE : DE0125 : Matrix Stimulation
COURSE DATE : Mar 03 - Mar 07 2024
INSTRUCTOR : Mr. Victor Saran
VENUE : Dubai, UAE
COURSE FEE : $ 8000
Request For Course Outline
Date : May 20 - May 23 (4 Days) Location : Al Khobar, KSA Classroom Fee (US$) : $ 6750 Course Info
Date : Aug 19 - Aug 22 (4 Days) Location : Dubai, UAE Classroom Fee (US$) : $ 6750 Course Info
Date : Nov 25 - Nov 28 (4 Days) Location : Abu Dhabi, UAE Classroom Fee (US$) : $ 6750 Course Info

Course Description

This practical and highly-interactive course includes real-life case studies and exercises where participants will be engaged in a series of interactive small groups and class workshops. Matrix stimulation is a treatment designed to treat the near-wellbore reservoir formation rather than other areas of the production conduit, such as the casing across the production interval, production tubulars or the perforations. Matrix stimulation treatments include acid, solvent and chemical treatments to improve the permeability of the nearwellbore formation, enhancing the productivity of a well. Matrix stimulation is a process of injecting a fluid into the formation, either an acid or solvent at pressures below the fracturing pressure, to improve the production or injection flow capacity of a well. This course is designed to provide participants with a detailed and up-to-date overview of matrix stimulation. It covers the formation characterization; the nature of formation damage; the acidizing fluids selection; the fluid placement and diversion in sandstone acidizing; the matrix acidizing treatment; the principles of acid fracturing; the mechanics of acid fracture propagation; and the acidizing techniques for extended reach and horizontal wells. link to course overview PDF


This interactive training course includes the following training methodologies as a percentage of the total tuition hours

Workshops & Work Presentations
Case Studies & Practical Exercises
Videos, Software & Simulators

In an unlikely event, the course instructor may modify the above training methodology before or during the course for technical reasons.


If this course is delivered online as a Virtual Training, the following limitations will be applicable

Certificates: Only soft copy certificates will be issued to participants through Haward’s Portal. This includes Wallet Card Certificates if applicable
Training Materials: Only soft copy Training Materials (PDF format) will be issued to participant through the Virtual Training Platform
Training Methodology: 80% of the program will be theory and 20% will be practical sessions, exercises, case studies, simulators or videos
Training Program: The training will be for 4 hours per day starting at 09:30 and ending at 13:30
H-STK Smart Training Kit: Not Applicable
Hands-on Practical Workshops: Not Applicable
Site Visit: Not Applicable
Simulators: Only software simulators will be used in the virtual courses. Hardware simulators are not applicable and will not be used in Virtual Training


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