SS1077 : Organization Design & Structural Analysis Masterclass
COURSE TITLE : SS1077 : Organization Design & Structural Analysis Masterclass
COURSE DATE : Dec 15 - Dec 19 2024
INSTRUCTOR : Mr. Steve Magalios
VENUE : Dubai, UAE
COURSE FEE : $ 5500
Register For Course
**---- No Other Scheduled Dates ----**

Course Description

This course is designed to provide participants with a detailed and up-to-date overview of Organisation Design and Structural Analysis Masterclass. It covers the importance, different approaches and pros and cons of each organizational structure; the organizational design process including the steps involved and techniques for organizational design; designing organizational goals and objectives, job design and techniques for job analysis; and the organizational culture, change management, performance management and appraisal, organizational behavior and team building.
During this interactive course, participants will learn the communication and leadership, employee motivation and engagement, talent management, succession planning, diversity and inclusion; the human resource management, project management, organizational design and innovation; the techniques for effective human resource management, project management, fostering innovation, ethical behavior and leveraging globalization; the relationship between organizational design and innovation and the impact of technology; and the importance of ethics and the role of sustainability in organizational design.


This interactive training course includes the following training methodologies as a percentage of the total tuition hours

Workshops & Work Presentations
Case Studies & Practical Exercises
Videos, Software & Simulators

In an unlikely event, the course instructor may modify the above training methodology before or during the course for technical reasons.


If this course is delivered online as a Virtual Training, the following limitations will be applicable

Certificates: Only soft copy certificates will be issued to participants through Haward’s Portal. This includes Wallet Card Certificates if applicable
Training Materials: Only soft copy Training Materials (PDF format) will be issued to participant through the Virtual Training Platform
Training Methodology: 80% of the program will be theory and 20% will be practical sessions, exercises, case studies, simulators or videos
Training Program: The training will be for 4 hours per day starting at 09:30 and ending at 13:30
H-STK Smart Training Kit: Not Applicable
Hands-on Practical Workshops: Not Applicable
Site Visit: Not Applicable
Simulators: Only software simulators will be used in the virtual courses. Hardware simulators are not applicable and will not be used in Virtual Training


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